June's reading theme... Hodgepodge. I'm reading whatever the hell I want this month, starting with Geek Love, a longtime bookclub suggestion finally being realized!
June's reading theme... Hodgepodge. I'm reading whatever the hell I want this month, starting with Geek Love, a longtime bookclub suggestion finally being realized!
I know you all wait on the edge of your seats to find out what my "Book theme of the month" is. Sorry to have kept you waiting. It's comics and cartoons. Please feel free to give some recommendations!
March's reading theme is Fiction about Food. I just flew through "Like Water for Chocolate." So in love with this book that I want to devour it like the chilis in walnut sauce Tita makes (how many times has someone made a cliched review like that about the book? Ha). On to a book now that hopefully doesn't make me cry. Oh, and happy national book day