I LOVED this book! As a huge fan of horror this classic was amazing! I'm always a fan of Stephen king books and this my favorite so far next to Mr. Mercedes or IT.
I LOVED this book! As a huge fan of horror this classic was amazing! I'm always a fan of Stephen king books and this my favorite so far next to Mr. Mercedes or IT.
Reading this book in hopes it'll keep me busy on transit while I hop around the city.
Loving the book so far but the beginning is sad enough.. Is this book going to toy with my emotions?!
Signed out a new read for the night! Can't wait to get started!
"As he ran towards his strange death" STILL RIGHT AT THE BEGINING AND NOW WE HAVE DEATH BOATS
It had a very 'Princess Bride' esque story but it didn't make much sense during the first read for me. I'm not really one for romance/historic novels but it was a decent read. Not really my type but there's people out there who will really enjoy this read
Picked this book up from the library looking for a book to read on transit and trips and I didn't regret it! It was an amazing read that I would recommend anyone who loves time travel books or is looking to get into the time travel/adventure genre.
Have this on hold and I'm waiting.... Just waiting.... Still waiting....
What luck! I found an audiobook version that I can listen to while drawing! Woot woot!
So I found a great Alice in wonderland spinoff book by Fran Beddor and I have to wait for it to be available at my library now 😫
I loved this book! It's a great read and while it is lengthy you can finish it if you can find the time. But I totally would reccomend it to horror lovers out there👌.