Still a favorite. I read him in order of his published work. Still biais to Auster. Just started Timbuktu.
Still a favorite. I read him in order of his published work. Still biais to Auster. Just started Timbuktu.
Again. A pleasure from beginning to end. I do not know how bias can someone be when you read an author you like. Do past pleasures of reading earlier books from that author automatically spread on your pleasure in reading a new one ? I don‘t think I want to know. It just work for me with Auster‘s books. Happy reading all.
Still very happy to read Paul Auster. Beautifully written again. Even if it is difficult for me to think that someone can leave his own kid behind as Nash does, I was able to let me convince by Auster‘s writing that such a character can exist. From that starting point I was completely into the story. Starting Leviathan now.
Not as good as « In the country of last things » but still superior quality. Always well written (from a non-anglophone point of view).
I discovered this author recently and it was a « coup de foudre ». The New-York trilogy first and now this one. Beautifully written and deep. A warm recommandation. And because I like to read authors in chronological order of their published works, does anyone knows how I can get his first book « Squeeze Play » ?
Un livre très français dans son intelligence et profondeur. If you are not a scholar (like me), use reference materials to fully enjoy the depth of the book. Recommended if you are ready to work a bit.
Very good author from Québec. Wrote popular TV series as well. The book is very well written. À lire !