"Thank God for books and music and things I can think about."
Two years ago, Daniel Keys died. Thank you, Daniel, for bringing us Algernon and Charlie Gordon, and for making us think more deeply about the way we treat the intellectually disabled.
"Thank God for books and music and things I can think about."
Two years ago, Daniel Keys died. Thank you, Daniel, for bringing us Algernon and Charlie Gordon, and for making us think more deeply about the way we treat the intellectually disabled.
Harper Lee would have been 90 today. What did Mockingbird mean to you? Share with us in the comments. ❤️
Happy (probable) birthday to the oft-banned William Shakespeare, whose timeless snark never fails to put a smile on our faces.
This Earth Day, we are remembering these wise words from one of our favorite banned children's books, The Lorax. Be kind to the planet, fellow earthlings. We only get one. ❤️♻️🌎
Happy 100th to Beverly Cleary, who created some of the most beloved characters in all of childrens' literature: Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins, and (my favorite!) Ralph S. Mouse. 🐭🏍
One last Gatsby quote to celebrate one of our very favorite #bannedbooks!
Gatsby turns 91 tomorrow! Watch for more of our favorite quotes to celebrate.
We featured this in our very first box last month, and for good reason. This was an incredibly important book to me in my formative years as a peace activist. It's so powerful, and as much about the power of writing as it is about war. Highly recommend this one to everyone. So, so wonderful.
This is one of the most incredible books I read in college. It was heartbreaking and so very eye-opening, and one of the first books that ever really brought me face-to-face with my white privilege. Unfortunately still so relevant today, especially in discussing systemic racism in the United States.
There's more than one way to burn a book, and the world is full of people running around with lit matches. -Ray Bradbury
Maya Angelou is an incredible writer. The way she tells her story in this autobiography is as beautiful as it is raw and sometimes uncomfortable. (TW: rape) The scene describing her sexual assault was so hard to read, but the experience shaped who she was and her story gives hope to other survivors.
This is a book I go back to over and over and over again. I read this for the first time at age 15 and have re-read it probably two dozen times over the last 16 years. I never get tired of going back to Hogwarts, and now that I have a kiddo of my own, I'm Shari g it with him, as well.