Wulf convincingly argues how Humboldt's conception of nature has permeated to today--all while telling an intriguing story!
Wulf convincingly argues how Humboldt's conception of nature has permeated to today--all while telling an intriguing story!
I had the opportunity to read this novel in Spanish, regardless of the language, I would recommend it. Vargas Llosa has an uncanny ability to effortlessly transition between the past and the present, while incorporating the perspective and motivations of different characters, as events in the novel occur. Every chapter reveals the intricate web of lies and violence that mesmerized a nation into acquiescence.
Through Zatopek's life story and athletic accomplishments, Askwith reminds us that our achievements are not what define us, but a reflection of who we are.
Great book, made me lol quite a few times. Paul Beatty is a master of satire--a contemporary Voltaire!