Was in the mood for light reading... good so far...Unloved princess meets Prince Charming and his dog... we are heading towards happy ever after
I tried to not finish this book. Ove was so sarcastic, rude, ill-tempered. But then his sarcasm became my Pandemic outlet. His rudeness and bad temper made sense, it was the other people that deserved his ire. You learn that his wife who he adored had died. He wants to die to be with her and is determined to kill himself; but he is unconsciously so busy being kind and aiding his neighbors that he keeps having to postpone the suicide. Great book!!
My first Audible book. Resisted for a long time, but actually enjoying it. After working in front of a computer all day, I listen while relaxing and working on my crochet project and at night before bed. Story is good so far too!
Still reading. Love Debbie Macomber books. Never disappoints. Great read while in quarantine,
Going to re read all her books. Will recap and review when I‘m done.
Entertaining fairy tale. The premise of the book is good, being a mother does not mean you stop being a woman. The storyline is unrealistic fantasy. Who among us has a cadre of friends to supply us with babysitting, free wardrobe, free pied-a-terre, meals, dating service, rich supportive ex husband...good fantasy read with a happy ending while I work from home during quarantine.
Female corporate lawyers in a male dominated field turned murder mystery. The women come from diverse home lives (mothers, single, married, younger, older) all vying for respect and visibility when their boss dies and a secret list of male sexual predators being shared online surfaces. Throw in some great subplots and you are in for a really good read.
From an author whose books are light and fun, this one was was compelling and serious. A teenage girl from attends a party and a picture taken of her turns viral at her school. The boy implicated comes from a wealthy family. The way the boys family deals with her son, the school and the victim is a story rarely heard. Trusting her son‘s innocence and also respecting the girls pain, she strong, empathetic, fair. Every parent should read this book.
WW1 The Alice Network was a communication network of information about the Germans plans and positions carried on tiny letters hidden on their bodies across France in plain sight. The story then moves forward in time three years as an American woman searching for her cousin meets one of the Alice Network members.
Fantastic read of heroism, honor, love of country and humanity and all personal suffering, pain and risk it takes.
Great reading. I was totally absorbed by main character and the inner strength that allowed her to survive her mother‘s abuse and grow into her true self.