Devouring this book and thinking,even though everyone including her family thinks Bernadette is completely insane, I have never related to a character more. While I have often wanted to up and disappear, she actually did...
Devouring this book and thinking,even though everyone including her family thinks Bernadette is completely insane, I have never related to a character more. While I have often wanted to up and disappear, she actually did...
Such an important read. Thanks to Michael Eric Dyson for signing!
Thanks to #BradMeltzer for signing my new book. Can't wait to read this one!
Just left #ALA Annual Conference. I'm gonna be busy for a WHILE...
This book didn't seems like the type that I would like (I usually ready historical fiction, dramatic lit or YA post apoc lit.) I am so glad I decided to read! The characters were deeply developed and the plot made me feel like this fantastical world of jinni really exists. I am now a Rushdie fan!
Starting reading this book because it was my book club's choice. Halfway finished and it's already my favorite book of 2016.