A superbly written book spanning decades in Russia, yet somehow reminds you at every turn what it means to be American.
A superbly written book spanning decades in Russia, yet somehow reminds you at every turn what it means to be American.
I could not put this one down. At this point, any praise I give would be like adding a thumbs up to a worldwide standing ovation. Everyone has heard about how good it is, yes? I‘d just say it feels like you have new family members after reading it, you care that much.
Guys... guys... I don't want to finish this book. I will be too sad. If I could eat this book with a spoon, I would.
I couldn't finish this before because I was going through my own health scare. It's safe territory now that my monster is gone.
"You see... we've become a race of cynics. How can the dreadful, the venerable, the sacred and sublime, reveal themselves to our dulled minds? We are no longer capable of experiencing the possibilities of otherworldliness. Cynicism, not science, has killed our divinities."
I'm tearing through this ARC. M.E. Girard has done something brilliant here with her 'Pen.' It's a riveting story that will make you meditate on a new form of feminism and identity.
The next in the book club choices, being held up by a brilliant friend.
Science, Nature, Religion - where it all intersects is what I'm most interested in.
This is called "Composition"; but as Allardy has painted her even paler than she is, "Decomposition" would suit it better.