#ephemera #lostandfound A typewritten study guide for Red Badge of Courage and a groovy bookmark found inside a copy of A Mike for Marion, p. 1952
#ephemera #lostandfound A typewritten study guide for Red Badge of Courage and a groovy bookmark found inside a copy of A Mike for Marion, p. 1952
*A social butterfly finds her perspective on life and love changing after she takes a factory job to prove she isn‘t irresponsible.*
~ well-rounded protagonist
~ mature depiction of two people growing apart
~ well-written conflict between opposing personalities
~ not enough interactions between protag & love interest outside of work before they‘re setting a wedding date
~ everything got very sappy very quickly at the end
*A talented young woman must support her grandmother and manage the family photographic studio despite the presence of a competing business in the same neighborhood.*
~ well-defined characters
~ resourceful protagonist
~ women in business
~ varied obstacles to success
~ gentlemanly love interest
~ romance was great once it progressed, but it felt rushed at the beginning
#vintage #careerromance #photographer