It's an amazing thing, to find a world of terrible, terrifying beauty you want to visit, to inhabit. Imaginative, unique, elegant, and strange. Worth revisiting more than once.
It's an amazing thing, to find a world of terrible, terrifying beauty you want to visit, to inhabit. Imaginative, unique, elegant, and strange. Worth revisiting more than once.
I'm not sure I've ever finished one of Mr. Gaiman's books without tears in my eyes. I hope I always do. A lovely little slip of a fairytale, deceptive, like the waters behind the Hempstocks' farm, in its dark and wonderful depth.
"That's the problem with living things. Don't last long."
A reader I met at Granite Con in Manchester wrote to tell me he left his signed copy of my first book on a plane last week. So I offered to send him one of my copies. Hopefully the copy he lost found a good home.