I listen to TED talks every day on my commute......but I never heard this one. Why not read the whole story? Let‘s get happy! 😊 3/100 #100books1000days
I listen to TED talks every day on my commute......but I never heard this one. Why not read the whole story? Let‘s get happy! 😊 3/100 #100books1000days
This book was not what I expected. I think it is done a disservice by its title, which to me sounded like a selfish approach to get ahead. I resisted reading it but wanted to read all the classic sales books and I‘m glad I did. Rather than teaching how to be fake it actually lays out the reasons why it pays to be nice. What a refreshing reminder of how the world should operate. The principles still hold true even 80 years later!
“Let me repeat: The principles taught in this book will work only when they come from the heart. I am not advocating a bag of tricks. I am talking about a new way of life.” ❤️ key to the whole book right there❤️
Reading this book at a nail salon.......Finding myself trying to hide the title. Why? I‘m actually really enjoying this book and have been pleasantly surprised at how genuine and true the advice is. The title makes it sound like you are learning how to manipulate and deceive but it doesn‘t feel that way. Did I compliment my nail tech on the massage and get an extra 5 minutes? Maybe 😇. But it made both of us feel good.....
“Don‘t criticize, condemn or complain”. #WhatWouldLincolnDo 🎩
Principle #2: Give honest and sincere appreciation. 🙏
Might as well start with the classics........2/100. #100books1000days
This short book was bursting with inspirational quotes. Truly the message is contained within pages 51-97 and it is a message everyone should read. The story before and after is a Christian story and beautiful but could be skipped. I found this book uplifting and motivating not just specifically for sales but for a happy life. Read it!
I will act now. I will act now. I will act now........with these words I can condition my mind to meet every challenge which the failure avoids. 💪
I am nature‘s greatest miracle. Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make....I will begin to accent my differences; hide my similarities. 😇 💪🗣
Seems like a good one to start with.......1/100. #100books1000days