My goodness this poor child. The message this book expresses is so strong. To rise up from this evil is amazing. Some people are awful. Truly a great survival story and amazing point of view.
I liked how it had some of the same characters in a few of her other books. The story was interesting but just ok. I enjoyed Karin Slaughter's other books more.
7 husbands?! Yup! The story kept you intrigued on what the next husband would be like. And the interesting twist at the end keeps you hooked. I will definitely pass this book on to someone who asks for a good book.
So this one got me hooked in the beginning (couldnt put it down) but lost me right at the end. I did NOT expect that ending but left me with alot of questions. All I can say is "WFT?" at the end.
This story kept me up all night and finished it fast. I was hooked and couldnt put it down. Lots of twists, turns and secrets.
I heard nothing but great things about this book, but I found it okay. It was fun to hear the stories of all the different members of the band and had a slight surprise at the end. Even tho it kept me entertained, I was hoping for a better twist.
My first time reading a book by Natasha Preston. It will not me my last. I will definitely recommend this book to friends. You felt like you were in the book and kept you on the edge of your seat. Quick read for a weekend or vacation. I liked it alot.
Love being a murderino. Such great people with amazing book recommendations!