I‘ve been reading this since Christmas, between other books. Good story, reminds me of Pearl S. Buck‘s The Good Earth. The story drags a bit, or perhaps sitting down to read so late in the night is the problem…
I‘ve been reading this since Christmas, between other books. Good story, reminds me of Pearl S. Buck‘s The Good Earth. The story drags a bit, or perhaps sitting down to read so late in the night is the problem…
Raw, searing, and important. Great show of emotions. I picture the actress, Marsha Stephanie Blake as the mom. What can be said that hasn‘t been said before? There is no room for racism, intolerance, and injustice towards people of colour. We can do better, we must do better. #BLM
About to dig in. Got this for my birthday a few weeks ago. #NewRead #BirthdayBook #WhatAreYouReading
The prose was perfect. Well written. Excellent descriptions and I enjoyed the timeline. I didn‘t care for Arthur nor his contribution. Knowing where the book is set, why not go to Niagara Falls? Would have solved a lot of problems. Not to mention all the farms in the area. I thought that was a major plot hole.