Where have you been all of my life? 💗
An excellent, quick read packed with practical & helpful advice for English teachers. This was an inspiring & useable pick-me-up!
Starting a new read after grading some papers. Teachers need to read for fun too!
Lately, I‘m not doing as much reading as I would like as I am prepping to begin teaching high school English for the first time. (I taught middle school history ten years ago & have been working in higher education the past decade.) I‘m writing my syllabus for Honors 9 this morning! Romeo & Juliet will be coming up on our reading list for the class soon!
Reading Dragon Rider with my dragon sleeper snoring away & dreaming of dragons. 🐲
“Once you connect with your mind, you are who you are and you‘re free.. Now, please, go. Write your asses off.”
“The Atlantic world has been an incredible experiment in how an enslaved population could get away with enslaving the palates of the people who enslaved them. From Boston to Bahia, the black cook—enslaved or free—was second to none. To go beyond assumptions; to interrogate our pain; to see the faces of our ancestors, to cook with them, to know them intimately the only way I can know them after decades of memory loss—those are my paths.”