Some excellent tips for general use in the workplace even if yours is decidedly un-sexist. It‘s also very funny
Some excellent tips for general use in the workplace even if yours is decidedly un-sexist. It‘s also very funny
A wind notorious for causing headaches! I knew it wasn‘t a myth!!
Looking forward to reading some of the stories that helped inspire the Vikings tv show I‘m watching
Totally hooked on this story line, which is odd since it took about a year to move from book 1 to 2, no idea why I left if so long
Getting started on this next for bout of books 21 📚
Was quite dubious about this but unnecessarily so, the book guides you through history showing how artists have overcome obstacles by thinking in certain ways. Recommended
Enjoying the way the 'story' jumps around in a weird fashion
Powerful rulers & happiest populations - #stillrelevant #boutofbooks
A thousand crystalline granules of salt... perfect way for a villain to die, but it's never that easy
This book could've been written for me, it's the book I've always wanted to write. Meanderings in a city 💕
Train journeys- always failed to adequately sum up my feelings of them, this comes close
Found this under a pile of clothes after starting it a month or so back. Gruesome murders a plenty!
For my #criticalreading class, we have to read a book where we don't know the context of either the subject or author - this ✅ both boxes m
Hoping to finish this today, so I can just move on. #notfun