Her grandeur had to be respected
Her charm and conversational skills would be among her greatest assets.
Protocol was of the highest importance
Mary could be allowed to grow up, to pursue her studies and her pleasures almost as she chose, but within the limits of his advice.
-She was sexually safe and correspondingly dull
Very easy read of a world where all characters move following their lust, every decision, every action.
Worth the read.
People dont realize they have a problem, much less are capable of knowing the solution until someone else comes with it
The fear of failure is the biggest enemy of disruption. You need to find an ot of the box way to make room for disruption
Dont get comfortable with what works. Always for everything find a better way for it to work
Businesses that took years to be the great comoanies they are today are competing with millenials that are not scared of taking risks and taking less time to get to the top
Disruption is not just a new fashion trend in the business world. It is being brave enough to make sudden changes with risks that could take you to the next level.
She gows in charm and good manners and becomes more suited to the place to which she was called and which she was never allowed to forget
She was said to be "everything that could be desired"
Our little Scottish Queen has but to smile to turn all the French heads
She is the prettiest and best for her age that you ever saw... She is graceful and self-assured
Mary Fleming, Mary Beaton, Mary Seton and Mary Livingston - the so-called 4 Marys
Diplomatic alliances were sealed by marriage pacts in the 16th century
As a child, Mary played no role herself in this intrigues, but all of them were about her
He went to pieces when told that his heir was not a boy
The belief that power lies in the people and not in the ruler
You ought to rejoice rather than weep for that the end of Mary Stuart's troubles is now come
Born and brought up to be a Queen, she walked confidently through the doorway as if she were once more processing to a court festival
It is a short, easy and perfect explanation of how power can make the best "man" become what he said he hates.
The book, even though it was written decades ago, still explains the world as we know it today
I recommend this 100%
All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than the others
The truest happiness, he said, lay in working hard and living frugally
They found it comforting to be reminded that, after all, they were truly their own masters and that the work they did was for their own benefit
Life was hard. Winter was as cold as the last one had been, and food was even shorter
Boxer refused to take a day off work, and made it a point of honor not to let it be seen that he was in pain
Tired out but proud, the animals walked round and round their masterpiece, which appeared even more beautiful in their eyes than when it had been built the first time
There were days when they would sooner have less figures and more food
In my opinion this book talks about a utopian work place. Where all the people that are involved want to achieve this environment. It is not reality, and no matter how much you try there will always be at least one negative person there. It is a good basis on to get ideas you can modify to a more realistic set. Go to it with this set of mind as to not feel unmotivated to work towards a better version of yourself
It is important to be aware enough of the risks to able to confront them and not let them stop us. Focus on the goal, and change the path whenever it has to.
Don'tet one bad moment, one bad experience, one bad choice ruin your way of seeing and risking in life. Don't lose hope, go for it!
Be positive. Add. Stay focus. See the good. See the intention. See the strenght, work, effort.
Stop looking for mistakes and what you are lacking.
The moment you think that in order to be better everyone else has to be worse is the moment you fail as a human being.
If you cant be happy with someone else's achievement without making it about yourself, you fail as a human being
Dont be selfish, get better by simply being better
The moment you think that in order to be better everyone else has to be worse is the moment you fail as a human being.
If you cant be happy with someone else's achievement without making it about yourself, you fail as a human being
Dont be selfish, get better by simply being better
Don't let yous fears be the fears of someone else, if they want something accomplished let them do it, let them fall, let them make mistakes.
Your job as a leader is to find the potential in others and help them achieve becoming the best version of themselves
Figure out what your roles are in life, prioritize them. Give them your all when they need to be given your all. Dont try to pay attention to all of them at the same time, give them the importance that is needed. And remember that you are the only one that decides what this means for you
Never forget that you are important. You need to give youself time and energy. You need to put yourself first. You need to think about you. If you are a good person, the best version of yourself, you automatically help society be better
It may be money, it may be love, it may be family, it may be traveling, it may be whatever you want.. only you decide what success means for you. Stop living your life how society dictates, not everyone finds happiness in: getting married, having a house and raising a child.
Being the best at a job is not enough, you have to be a team player. If you are constantly creating a toxic environment you are not the right person for the job
There is a saying that experience trumps education and I think that is the laziest excuse ever to better yourself. Experience is important, but education and training is mandatory. You don't have to have a degree, but you do have to keep training and keepong your knowledge up to date if you want to compete. You knowing how to do a job is not enough, you have to know how to make your job better