So just finished the audiobook for Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. And loveddd it. Does anyone have any recommendations for good audiobooks?? Send em my way
So just finished the audiobook for Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. And loveddd it. Does anyone have any recommendations for good audiobooks?? Send em my way
Seemed only fitting that I read a book about fangirling as I fangirl over Harry Potter #harrypotterweekend
#Day23 #classicstbr Barnes and Noble collectors editions give me life. Some of these may not technically be classics but whatever. Most excited for Moby Dick and The ultimate Hitchhikers guide 🙌🏼 @RealLifeReading #junebookbugs
I really need to watch the Hulu show after finally reading this! What did everyone think of it? Worth bingeing?
@saguarosally #welcomelitten how have I not known about this app before 😍 1. Easton, Pennsylvania
2. I saw it mentioned on Instagram and had to join
3. Fantastic beasts 🙌🏼 or the great gatsby
4. Yes 🐢 yay turtles