Also just began this one. Rugged and so focused on fine details. I am interested to see where it goes.
Also just began this one. Rugged and so focused on fine details. I am interested to see where it goes.
Beautiful, haunting poetic language throughout the short novel. Only spans two days, but it felt so much longer. Make sure to check this one out, I don't think you will be disappointed.
Bought this today. Looks amazing!
Massive library book sale last night! Grabbed some good ones.
And now onto my current read! I am only a few pages in and I am in love.
I love all of Knausgaard's My Struggle series of books, so I was excited for his newest seasonal quartet. My God it is beautiful. He writes little micro memoirs to his unborn daughter about everyday objects such as churches, frames, apples, etc, and he sees such beauty in everything. The writing is some of the best I have ever read. Please was Knausgaard. He is good for the soul.
I loved this so very much! Family drama, a mystery and phenomenal writing all wrapped together!
Got this in the mail today! Paul Yoon is one of my very favorite writers of all time. His novel, Snow Hunters is in my top 5 of all time favorite books.
Had a really nice find at my local library today while volunteering to price books for our upcoming friends of the library book sale. All 8 CD's are there, and the book looks as if it hasn't had it's spine cracked yet. They let me have it for free!
Oh, and got my BOTM box in! So excited.
Just started this yesterday and am almost finished. What an amazing novel.
Picked up a nice collection of half price poetry books the other day. Should keep me busy for a while.
Spent a great evening at The Book Tavern in Augusta, Georgia listening to David Joy and Jim Minick read from their newest novels. Amazing bookstore and fantastic night!!
Went a little nuts on my Book Of The Month selections this go around. Cannot wait to read the new Ng!
And now I'm reading this. 20 pages in so far so good. Did not think I would like a surfing memoir, but this isn't half bad.
I really loved this book. Found out about from a NY times article that was mulling over the pros and cons on prisoners profiting off of work while incarcerated. Not getting into my ideas on that here, but it prompted me to want this book. Each short story was fantastic. "A Human Number" was my favorite. One of the best short stories I have ever read. All are set in and around prison, and the perspective is mind opening at the very least!
Received my first ever Book Of The month shipment today! Cannot wait. Cue the happy dance!
I know I'm kind of late to the party on this one, been sitting on my TBR pile for a while. Just started it today. Am halfway through and I love it's weirdness so far. Quirky is the word for this one.
Finished this a while back, but just now reviewing. This book was beautiful. The descriptions of his country life, thoughts on nature and being one of the only African American birders was just fantastic. Please read this book. It is going in my top 20 of all time great reads for now.
Quarterly book sale again tonight. Picked up some good ones, including a few cookbooks on top that mom picked out. Only blew $26 , so I am happy!
Reading this fantastic memoir that is set one county over from me. Fitting in perfectly with my summer nature book reads. The book is dedicated "For all who wonder and love the land." How can you not fall in love with that?
About to finish this strange, but refreshing little novel. Kind of a personal diary kind of thing, but just so weird and jumpy. Unreliable narrators are the best!
Just started this beauty from two of the best living southern writers!
So the next county over held there large spring book sale tonight. Yea, I went a little nuts. 300 people elbowing each other in a 4000 square foot building was not fun, but dang if I didn't clean up on books y'all. A little heavy on poetry and garden books, but the two Richard Matthiessen books called out to me. Really liked his novel, In Paradise, and thought I would catch up on his older work. Been wanting to read A Sand County Almanac for ages!
I am in love with this book right now. I saw the True Story movie with Jonah Hill and James Franco and thought that whatever the guy did next would probably be pretty awesome. I was right! The descriptions and fast paced, detailed story telling are top notch. Reads like a great novel. Cannot wait to finish!
I loved The Snow Child, and have really been looking forward to this one. I've only just started it and my Lord is it good. Will probably have an all nighter with this beauty!
Just started this. Enjoying so far. Such a wonderful look at this amazing woman's life and career.
Finishing this up today. Great book, but it is rough. Even Cormac Mcarthey is not this raw, and that's saying something.
As a commercial beekeeper, it was certainly my business to kill the old queen and replace her with a vigorous new one so that the colony would become a good honey producer.
But I did not.
Almost finished! So dang good.