“Outlaw women are fascinating—not always for their behavior, but because historically women are seen as naturally disruptive and their status is an illegal one from birth if it is not under the rule of men.”
“Outlaw women are fascinating—not always for their behavior, but because historically women are seen as naturally disruptive and their status is an illegal one from birth if it is not under the rule of men.”
“But emergence notices the way small actions and connections create complex systems, patterns that become ecosystems and societies. Emergence is our inheritance as a part of this universe; it is how we change. Emergent strategy is how we intentionally change in ways that grow our capacity to embody the just and liberated worlds we long for.”🌱
“What you do to children matters. And they might never forget.”
These two sentences sum up a lot of my childhood.
“If you don‘t decide how you want to live your life, other people will decide for you. Making space means you have to say no sometimes-no to your beloved friends, to your coworkers, to the things you “want” (but don‘t really want), to the things you genuinely want (but not right this second), to your notifications and goddamn phone. You can‘t be your happiest self, most authentic self if you regularly abdicate this responsibility.”👌🏾
This book is gathering me in the best ways this afternoon😩👌🏾