Over 154 years ago, pioneers arriving in CO Territory brought hopes & dreams of finding gold, & also brought the sport of baseball with them. On Monday, 8/22, join us to meet Roger Hadix & learn about Colorado baseball history. Http://bit.ly/2b7QeWi
Over 154 years ago, pioneers arriving in CO Territory brought hopes & dreams of finding gold, & also brought the sport of baseball with them. On Monday, 8/22, join us to meet Roger Hadix & learn about Colorado baseball history. Http://bit.ly/2b7QeWi
On Monday, join authors Craig Leavitt & Tom "Dr. Colorado" Noel as they discuss their new book that investigates Herndon Davis, best known for his "Face on the Barroom Floor" in Central City. Davis painted hundreds of portraits of prominent Coloradans & lovely watercolors of our most beloved landmarks. We're pulling some of his paintings out for show at 12, just before the program, as well! Http://bit.ly/2aXdtqY
A really excellent look at the strange saga of Alfred Packer, CO's noted cannibal. Engrossing prose & thorough research make this an exciting read for fans of true crime, non-fiction, or CO History. We also love that it draws on material from our archival collection! Http://bit.ly/22qUYLQ
A beautiful true story of 2 NY ladies who roughed it as teachers in rural CO in 1916. Blizzards, poverty, & the romantic interest of local men unused to fancy ladies await. Fun read! We have the orig. manuscripts of 1 of the men! Http://bit.ly/1SNFZLf, http://bit.ly/26sthpk, & http://bit.ly/24isDZi
Join us to meet author Mark Barnhouse and learn "What makes Denver Denver?" and "Where has our old Denver gone?” He'll be speaking at our museum on 4/25 at 1:00 p.m., evoking memories of Denver's glorious, and sometimes not so glorious, lost buildings. Details & tickets: Http://bit.ly/1VCwMFO
A 1943 classic and the first book by legendary Western author David Lavender. A beautiful, nuanced recollection of early 20th Century rural life on Colorado's Western Slope. Our favorite sections are his descriptions of a miner's life at Camp Bird. Http://bit.ly/20FjurN
Did you know fresh oysters were popular in our land-locked state in the 1880s? Or that a Coloradan lays claim to inventing the cheeseburger? Learn some of the quirks and mainstays of Denver's culinary past. http://bit.ly/1VS0END
A classic snapshot of Colorado more than 80 years ago. Our state has changed so much! Great research resource. Swing on by our library to read it. http://bit.ly/1EUZnNk