Anything can wait but ramen 🍜
Anything can wait but ramen 🍜
I‘ve read this one a few times and really enjoy it. Sadly I feel like Dan Brown‘s latest few have been hugely below average. Also, don‘t you just love a good book in a warm bed #bliss
Went hiking yesterday to this gorgeous waterfall and I really wish I had taken my book. Next time 🌳 📖
“I mean, it‘s sort of exciting isn‘t it? Breaking the rules.” ~ Hermione Granger. Having piles of books on the floor is not something I do. I am very much about having things in their proper place so this may not be a big deal to some people but it is to me it does kind of feel like breaking the rules........my own rules
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will” one of my all time favourite books. I‘ve read it so many times.
I‘m halfway through and it‘s good so far. I wouldn‘t say it‘s wowing me just yet.
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ... Virginia Woolf
Saw the play, got the travel pass ⚡️
You‘re a wizard Harry - Rubeus Hagrid ⚡️ Listening to Harry Potter on #audible really helps make my commute seem shorter 🚂 🚝🚈
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me - C.S Lewis
Does anyone else read when they go to the laundry.
Another Jenny Colgan read. It‘s such a cute book. I now very much want to go to Paris.
Current read. My sister and my niece are insisting that I read this book and they have promised me that it won‘t be too YA. I hope so
This book is so well written. I love the writing style. I‘m usually very picky about what kind of writing style I like. But this book just flows and it‘s such a brilliant book. I highly recommend it. It kept me captivated throughout.
Beautiful illustrations to go with the best book series I have ever read and probably will ever read. I feel like nothing close to this will come along again. I hope I‘m wrong 😄❤️
When I first heard about this book it really intrigued me. It seemed like something out of the ordinary. When I first started reading it I found it hard to get into but then it really picked up and I really enjoyed it. If you‘ve read it , let me know your thoughts on it
Great story. Such a cute read. And it makes you wanna back 🍰🍪💛