It's not great literature but it's a place to disappear for an afternoon with enough puns and ridiculous situations mixed with real facts of the White House.
It's not great literature but it's a place to disappear for an afternoon with enough puns and ridiculous situations mixed with real facts of the White House.
Random library selection, Maths in Victorian England doesn't sound like the most likely of of riveting murder mystery reads but it was addictive. And I dare say I learned a little maths while I was at it! Glad I picked up the next two while I was at the library too!
Any book about penguins is bound to appeal but the adorable illustrations and the idea of a penguin with such a grand name was utterly irresistible. Life goals: smuggle a penguin over an international border.
Penguins. What's not to love?
And the delightfully named Juan Salvado de pinguino. I'm half way through and I'm in love with this little penguin, though I hear it has a sad ending 🐧💔