The shade around here!
“And I here make a rule—a great and lasting story is about everyone or it will not last.”
Our generation is realistic, for we have come to know man as he really is. After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, with the Lord‘s Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips.
“That drawing o‘ the lots is dark; but the child was sent to me; there‘s dealings with us—there‘s dealings.”
Interesting concept, but too much philosophizing for my taste. Edgar Allen Poe would have done a fantastic job with the idea though. 😆
My novels are slowly coming out of packing, but for now working on the history list. This one isn‘t as dry as I expected, partly because of mixed-in off the wall theories such as the Nile flowing north because storms in Libya blow the sun off course, or the Egyptians having super thick skulls because they shave their heads. #classics #thewelleeucatedmind #history
Part of the challenge in #thewelleducatedmind is to discuss or journal about how the books are in conversation with each other. Since my list started with two picaresque novels (one being the original), it was interesting to see how worldview gives meaning to the journey. I blogged about it at https://ecaseres.wordpress.com/2017/12/29/a-journey-with-a-purpose/
The first on the list and probably the one I‘m most proud of, because I read it in Spanish! (It took me 7 months.) Pictured with my fantastic Litographs T-shirt! #thewelleducatedmind #classics #greatbooks #spanishliterature
Have been working through the fiction list in The Well-Educated Mind, so I thought I would post thoughts on the ones I‘ve read so far. Enjoying having something to sharpen my literary skills on other than my curriculum! #thewelleducatedmind #classics #greatbooks