Finally finished over lunch today. Really enjoyed this exploration of how differing cultures can influence medical care!
Finally finished over lunch today. Really enjoyed this exploration of how differing cultures can influence medical care!
Interesting story, very thought-provoking. Not my favorite of Moriarty's works, but a good beach/weekend read for sure.
Reading after painting my toes, kitty sleeping nearby. I love Liane Moriarty's books. Can't wait for this mystery to unfold!
Finished this book last night. Fitting that I woke up having a panic at 2am and was calmed by reading about meditation. Nothing super enlightening here, but it did remind me why I should get back to the practice and gave solid tips on how to start meditating as well as why to continue.
Currently reading The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, but these are just a few of the other books is like to read this summer.