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Next up: a classic. Have you read it?
Did anyone else read this book, thinking it was going somewhere much more interesting?
I thought the Miniaturist was some sort of witch & there would be twists and dark turns. Then it ended and I'm sitting here thinking NOTHING HAPPENED.
We never even got to talk to the Miniaurist. C'Mon! I mean, it's not a bad book. Just not AT ALL what I thought it'd be. It was fine. Meh.
My favorite part of the book? That M on the cover. 😍
I found this book through a “blind date,” where the bookstore wrapped the books so you couldn‘t tell what it was and just gave a one sentence description.
This one said “a good read for a dark and stormy night.” I was intrigued, bought it sight unseen and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Just enough ghosts and supernatural elements without getting too out there. Read it if you need a scary tale.