Finishing up”Hidden Figures” with a not-so-hidden figure.
Finishing up”Hidden Figures” with a not-so-hidden figure.
“Her unencumbered embrace of equality, applying it to herself without insecurity and to others with the full expectation of reciprocity, is a reflection of the America we want to be. She has been standing in the future for years waiting for the rest of us to catch up.”
“Wives of the some of the...”??? #getitright
I thought I might make it through this one with no mistakes! Alas, it should be STS-122. #getitright
Great to meet Leland back in September! He was very entertaining, looking forward to this book...
It should be Kiick. Got it right once. #getitright
I guess this should say “We had a car dealer...” #getitright
Just can‘t get these team names right! #getitright
A1, that‘s a cool name. Probably a big steak fan. #getitright
Even Stephen King‘s editor is human! “Him” and “at” are reversed. #getitright
Just a crossword puzzle book but the irony! #getitright
And we‘re off! Looks like (from the other instances on this page) the second B should be capitalized. #getitright
Only 19 pp to go, there surely won‘t be many more...#getitright
This actually made me question “enought”. Am I missing something? #getitright
Went back to the beginning to verify something and found another error...#getitright
“Oh, Matilda, looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them,” exclaimed Anne.
I‘ve decided to use Litsy as my platform to bitch about errors I find in books. This one is pretty obvious...#getitright
Just finished up and again I didn't see it coming. Good job, Agatha!
LOVED this book!!! So morbid, so funny, such cool drawings!!!!