Wine brand example for the 4 actions framework. Just one conceptual model described in the book.
Wine brand example for the 4 actions framework. Just one conceptual model described in the book.
How to “swim” to a new, blue-er, ocean.
Cutthroat competition makes the ocean, or market, red. The key to success in business is to not get killed by trying to swim in the red ocean. This Harvard business review book is all about finding new untapped market space.
Can‘t think of any other text that gets into the true meaning of monopoly power in business. You‘d think other business books would make the attempt.... Zero to One is such a good book because it doesn‘t shy away from the discussion.
What the Titans have to say on their relationship to Luck. Peter uses these quotes as a pretext to go a lil further in depth.
One of the best business books for entrepreneurs. Thiel offers new insight into the real aspects of creating value. Zero to One means getting a new “thing” instead of just making more of the same. Overall pretty interesting ideas on big concepts.
This is a big one. Many people misunderstand what it means to remain silent. A study of medieval law enforcement history may give insight as to why this right was put into place.
Many may scoff at the concept of reading a book titled “Arrest Proof”. The simple command: “Do NOT break the law” offers a demanding simplicity. An individual that understands the realities of the justice system will readily retort that Law Officers routinely arrest innocent citizens. I think many free people don‘t know how to engage with an Officer. As an American you have rights. This book will prepare you for an encounter with the law.