Personal stories of America's national parks. Curious, but not sure about this one yet. Makes for good doctor's office wait reading anyway. Tick tock. ⌚️
Personal stories of America's national parks. Curious, but not sure about this one yet. Makes for good doctor's office wait reading anyway. Tick tock. ⌚️
My girls and I cannot get enough of Cozy Classics, and the mini, fuzzy versions of Jane Eyre, Mr. Darcy, and Emma 😍
My favorite book of the summer so far. Weird, dark, bitingly funny and a little fantastical at times. What a read!
My favorite book of the summer so far. Weird, dark, bitingly funny and a little fantastical at times. What a read!
"To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying 'Amen' to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive." ❤️ RLS quoted in Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.
"Do you have the courage? Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you will say yes." Enjoying Big Magic and Gilbert's challenge to lead a creative life so much!
Park time for girls, grocery planning and coffee for me. Been waiting a long time to get my hands on this one!
Sitting at the park, laughing out loud...wishing I'd read this a year ago when my sister told me I just HAD to get it. Bernadette did not disappoint. 🕶🚢❄️
Such a beautiful and heartbreaking book, and my favorite beach read this week. This may have surpassed "Things Fall Apart" as an Igbo novelist favorite.
Family read-aloud pick for the month. A childhood favorite! ❤️
Silver lining to no driving, no working, no exercise...no nothin' 😳: TBR stack for the next four weeks of recovery.
When you're recovering and your sister delivers the perfect hospital read. ❤ Funny, irreverent, poignant, and easy to read in fragments of wakefulness 📚