The audiobook of this transports you into a different world! A real fantasy world I haven‘t sank into since Harry Potter 😍 I recommend to any fantasy fans!
The audiobook of this transports you into a different world! A real fantasy world I haven‘t sank into since Harry Potter 😍 I recommend to any fantasy fans!
Just as good as the first! I can‘t get enough of these books!
One of the best books I‘ve read in a while! It‘s easy reading and fun. Definitely takes your mind off of the things going on around you... and at the minute I think we could all use a bit of that 🥰
Really enjoyed this book. I‘ll admit, I audiobooked this one due to the length of it. Apart from the reader saying “Breyeenne” it was enjoyable! Lots of variation from the series here, although I don‘t know how the author will finish it in two books. It feels like the storylines are just starting to unfold!
Enjoying a nice lazy day off work after my new tattoo with my book, my blanket and my boo 💓📖
A very interesting read. The book is all about a man who has a really good sense of smell but no personal smell of his own. The events that proceed due to this fact come from a dark place but the way that scent and smells are explored in this novel sheds new light on the landscape of the nose. Overall I enjoyed it, but a long read which is why I audiobooked it 😅
A heart wrenching story of a child‘s struggles with abuse from his mother. I found that this book never really gave me much fulfilment with the ending. But well written all the same.
This book was a lot better than I expected. Having never read Agatha Christie before, I was apprehensive. But I had no need to be. This book is a pure investigative drama set out very much like a play and listening to it on the way to work had me puzzling over the identities of the characters and their motives. Would like to read a few more of these I think ☺️📖
I have really mixed feelings about this book, but I think you‘d be mad not to. I think the narrator keeps himself at a distance from the events even though he tries to first person narrate the scenes which makes the novel unrealistic. As a work of fiction based on real-life events it feels very idyllic in the way that events unfold. Overall I feel sick and human after reading this novel. But if you didn‘t, I‘d be worried.
Work and life are getting a lot more stressful and busy lately so I haven‘t made much progress with this book. But, I‘m really enjoying the progression of the characters. Some are a lot different to the show such as Dany who is a lot younger and innocent and softer than TV predicts her. It‘s putting a whole new spin on my perception of events. Definitely worth the read 😁
A picture to commemorate the start of a new journey, this series is just getting better and better! I just hope it doesn‘t start slowing down in pace and plot 📖 👓
Half way through already and I‘ve got to say this book is one of the most enjoyable that I‘ve read in a long time (granted I was studying for my Lit degree). I‘ve found that chapter to chapter it flows a lot better than the previous two and Martin really gives focus to those characters who provide the most detail without ruining the rest of the plot for the other characters. I‘m loving it ❤️
This book is already better than the first two, I‘ll admit I dragged myself through a lot of the chapters in the second book. Maybe that is because I‘ve already seen the series? Does anyone else feel like this with the first two books?