Never have even thought about any kind of tattoo in my life, but when I came upon this on Pinterest; I'm seriously considering getting this or something close to it. Just wanted to share with all fellow book lovers.
Never have even thought about any kind of tattoo in my life, but when I came upon this on Pinterest; I'm seriously considering getting this or something close to it. Just wanted to share with all fellow book lovers.
A good story of people and their different religions and beliefs; and the influneces they have on others and children that are confused.
A festive Christmas story that shows no matter how hard things are and you feel as no one is hearing your prayers , a little faith and love go along way. It reminds us that Christmas is about forgiveness and giving and helping others, especially those in need.
It's a good story, filled with hope, hopelessness, faith and faithlessness. It has a few twists and surprises that had my attention until the end.
Easy, perfect paced read. Different world that makes you think what would it be like if it really happened. Good ending, doesn't leave you hanging but assures you'll want to read the next.
Could not imagine what it would be like to live this way, no water ever, children dieing of starvation and thirst.
A perfect little Christmas love story told from the point of view of a lovable golden retriever named Meteor. We tag along with him in the story of his life, from his birth place to how he came to be with his disabled owner, Robert . As time goes by and Robert finds love their perfect little haven on Cape Fear grows along with Meteor. A story of love, hope, dreams, tragedy's, and loss, one loveable canine never loses hope.
Wonderful, twisted, what's going to happen next story. Another hit by Mr. Koontz. I love how not one of his stories start out the same as any other. Although it's a sad psychological twister, I have to applaud Mr. Koontz, his stories are never predictable or boring.