A parent‘s job: to provide shoulders...❤️
Once you introduce truth into a room, the room may never be the same.
Anger is effortless... Kindness is hard. Try to exert yourself.
We women harbor our intimacies on locked places in our bodies. They are ours to relinquish when we choose.
"I sometimes think of people's personalities as the negative space around their insecurities."
"He (Tolkien) is a great enough magician to tap our most common nightmares, daydreams and twilight faces, but he never invented them either: he found them a place to live" It's my first time reading The Hobbit and if Peter Beagle's intro means anything, it's going to be great!
Took this as my "travel book" for airplane reading and it was great for that. The plot kept me turning the pages while requiring minimal brain power to follow. I thought the end was weak but who cares. It was delightful summer reading. Now it's headed to my Little Free Library for circulation!
This series is just divine. An extraordinary journey for characters and readers alike. I laughed. I cried. Some plot development I saw coming. Some parts were a complete surprise. There was good and evil. Love and loss. Hope and despair. I have my favorites among the collection but don't skip any!
It's here, at the climax of Book #7, that the sadness starts. It's been a journey, a rush of reading, and now with the end so close, all I want to do is slow down. I don't want it to end but it has to.
Has anyone read these? Look like they may be good. http://bookriot.com/2013/06/26/the-grisha-trilogy-is-the-successor-to-the-harry-...
And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.
I haven't stayed up past my bedtime reading in so long. Maybe even since the first time I read this series. Today will be rough without a full night's sleep-- but Harry! The maze! Omg!
Outdoor reading-- so relaxing! It was worth giving up on the yard work to actually ENJOY the yard.
Rereading the Harry Potter series has been so fun. I hardly remember the details but I have this warm emotional memory. Every time I meet a character again, it's like seeing an old friend. "Oh Lupin! I forgot all about you!" What a delight.
You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever In times of great trouble?
What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain?