Read the book on the whole. Really like the series so far. Definetly looking forward to the last two ones.
#zacbrewer #heatherbrewer #vlad #vladtod #vladimirtod #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #tenthgradebleeds #ninthgradeslays #eightgradebites
Read the book on the whole. Really like the series so far. Definetly looking forward to the last two ones.
#zacbrewer #heatherbrewer #vlad #vladtod #vladimirtod #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #tenthgradebleeds #ninthgradeslays #eightgradebites
"Henry is not your only friend. You've had others, Vladimir. [...] And that nice Joss boy last year." Her expression darkened. "Well, up until that unfortunate wooden stake incident, anyway."
Oh yeah. Joss had been a great friend. If Vlad ever wanted to become a pincushion, he knew just who to call.
#heatherbrewer #zacbrewer #vlad #vladtod #vladimirtod #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #tenthgradebleeds #ninthgradeslays #eightgradebites
Killing time / waiting for the delicious cantucci to get ready / a little reading in between - choose one ... or all! 😁
#tenthgradebleeds #vladimirtod #vlad #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #heatherbrewer #zacbrewer
The series keeps gettin better. I like Vlad's sense of ethics - even if it comes to his bullies. But I must admit I could foresee some of the twists. Still looking forward reading the next one.
#zacbrewer #heatherbrewer #thechroniclesofvladimirtod #vladimirtod #vlad #ninthgradeslays #eigthgradebites