Pioneer study of the need for an inner female authority in a masculine-oriented society. Interprets the journey into the underworld of Inanna-lshtar, Goddess of Heaven and Earth, to see Ereshkigal, her dark sister. Very good thus far.
Pioneer study of the need for an inner female authority in a masculine-oriented society. Interprets the journey into the underworld of Inanna-lshtar, Goddess of Heaven and Earth, to see Ereshkigal, her dark sister. Very good thus far.
Tagging a book I found very educational many years ago. Feminists, and those interested in pagan practice/history, ceremony and ritual—I recommend this one. I was inspired to get this tattoo recently and this bookmark helped my artist draft it. (I LOVE this bookmark and never tire of seeing it)! I find myself needing to look down at it (tattoo) a lot these days and remember the message.
So glad I found this book! The first part discusses the matriarchal societies that existed 25,000 years before the patriarchy of abrahamic religions; the second, how to take back our power through consciousness, rituals and community; the third, and biggest: politics. It is past time for womxn to be at the front. They (patriarchy) only have as much power over us as we let them. Think about what we need to do…to be, and stay—FREE.
…Patriarchy creates a culture that is destructive and death-oriented.
Just look around at all the laws they are creating right now. Laws that are literally designed to get peoplx killed. Too many politicians for one photo. Dominoes begin to fall. #fascism
Religion in the common understanding of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim monopoly emphasizes sin, guilt, authoritarianism, fear, and promises of future well-being rather than self-knowledge, love of self and other, and integration of inner power with outer power. In addition, these religions as institutionalized exclude women, the Earth, and the body, and separate the emotions from the spirit, thus denying any chance of wholeness. —Hallie Iglehart
Estrangement is the combination of a long, historical process. Its roots lie in the Bronze Age shift from matrifocal, Earth-centered cultures, whose religions censored around the Goddess and the gods embodied in nature, to patriarchal, urban cultures of conquest, whose gods inspired and supported war. Yahweh of the Old Testament is a prime example.
Awareness means participating in your own evolution.
—Nancy F.W. Passmore
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Know your power ladies! Change comes when we know what we can do and we fight back. We can live in and become the most beautiful things we can imagine.
The Goddess does not rule the world; She *is* the world.
In England, the artist Monica Sjoo was nearly brought to trial in 1970 and again in 1973 for exhibiting a painting titled God Giving Birth (1968), featuring a large female figure in the process of giving birth while the planets revolve nearby. This the British authorities found deserving of a blasphemy and obscenity charge!
See the full painting and read more details here: http://www.artcornwall.org/features/Monica_Sjoo_God_Giving_Birth.htm
The objective of patriarchy was and is to prevent women from achieving, or even supposing, our potential: that we are powerful in both mind and body and that the totality of those powers is a potent force. All of the myriad varieties of patriarchal oppression—co-opting and replacing the Goddess, imposing patrilineal descent and ownership of woman‘s womb, restricting and mutilating woman‘s body, denying woman education and legal rights, forbidding