Not cupcakes, but my sister-in-law made these wonderful pokémon cakes for my son and neice a few months ago! Aren't they amazing? 😍
Not cupcakes, but my sister-in-law made these wonderful pokémon cakes for my son and neice a few months ago! Aren't they amazing? 😍
I'm late in the post, but wanted to share my post for #NationalPetDay! We had a little Luna for about a month this fall and were so sad to have to give him away!! I ended up being so allergic that I'm still reacting to our house two months later. Luckily, we found him a wonderfully home and family. 🐶💕
Does this count as a candle?
These books are delightful! Caitlin Doughty has a wonderfully wry way about talking about death that (I think) instantly puts you at ease. The first one (Smoke Gets In Your Eyes) is a memoir about working at a crematory, the second (From Here To Eternity) a look at death rituals around the world and the third (Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?) an answer book of all things death related. ️