Pransky the labradoodle, (the therapy dog) visiting the folx in the memory care side of the residential home. This AI image almost looks like a real photograph!
Pransky the labradoodle, (the therapy dog) visiting the folx in the memory care side of the residential home. This AI image almost looks like a real photograph!
A warm book about how one woman‘s life became enriched when she decided to volunteer at a residential home with her Labradoodle as a therapy dog. My dogs couldn‘t do it, they‘re too hyper! Our lives are always deeper when we help others somehow; deeper still, when there is a dog involved.
In an online event, Marilyn Baillie spoke about the Canadian children‘s picture book award that‘s in her name. Her room decor is eye-popping, isn‘t it?
This week, Our Little Kitchen won the CCBC‘s Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award. In her acceptance speech, Jillian Tamaki spoke about food and housing insecurities and said she will be donating her award money to Toronto‘s Parkdale Legal, for their work in support of tenants.
I really liked this adorable, big-hearted picture book. The art is complex and beautiful, and it‘s packed full of inclusive characters. It was fun seeing the flurry of kitchen activity and slowly put together what the little kitchen was. I also loved the illustrated recipes in the front and back. I‘d buy an entire cookbook like that! (I mean, I already have one vaguely similar…) #PictureBook #Inclusivity #InclusivePicturebook
The cover hints at the magic within this #picturebook by Canadian cartoonist Jillian Tamaki. It‘s not the magic of fantasy, but of volunteers gathering once a week to prepare a meal for their community. The forward momentum of meal prep and the satisfaction of sitting down to eat in fellowship is engagingly captured. Best of all is the joyful message of making a difference through community service. #kidlit
There‘s a lovely diversity of body shapes and skin tones in this children‘s picture book.
Tie on your apron!
Roll up your sleeves!
Pans are out, oven is hot.
The kitchen‘s all ready,
where do we start?
Not only are these endpapers charming, but the front ones show how to make vegetable soup (“ask an adult for help!”) and at the back it‘s how to make apple crumble.