I‘ve been reading this series for about 30 years now and it‘s still going strong. In this one VI is in Kansas trying to track down a missing soccer player. Chaos ensues.
I‘ve been reading this series for about 30 years now and it‘s still going strong. In this one VI is in Kansas trying to track down a missing soccer player. Chaos ensues.
Today was supposed to be a day of productivity and organizing, but reading a mystery in the back yard works too. It‘s the first day in a long time that it hasn‘t been too hot to sit out here.
I have seen a lot of readers posting their praise for Sara Paretsky‘s books and decided to give her a try. She writes a series of books based on a woman private detective, V.I. Warshawki, set in Chicago. She is a tough detective and quite sharp at her detecting skills. I enjoyed Indemnity Only, but I didn‘t love it as I hoped.
Full review at https://abookandadog.com
#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
1. VI Warshawski !Love her spunk, her gumption, her constant bad choices in men!
2. Brother Cadfael from ELlis Peters' books.Always compassionate,insightful and forgiving, in a harsh world.Anyone who hasn't,I cannot recommend the TV series enough,available on youtube.
3.Miss Marple,of course!For her unwavering faith in,and cynicism of human nature.
Honorable mentions-all of ENid BLyton's intrepid child detectives
@goodwilllibrarian VI Warshawski is a detective,former attorney, and the other characters are involved with the shipping industry, none of which are jobs I would like though I like reading about them!
Another page turner….V.I. Warshowski is asked to clear the name of a woman who hated VI and all her family after the woman completed her prison time. At 1st VI can‘t even imagine the possibility of innocence, but her investigation keeps bringing up more questions (and danger) and brings up graft of powerful men.
Absolutely LOVe this excellent series of crime novels. Each one seems to improve on the other! Full review here : https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5347410225
I had forgotten the smell.
[south Chicago]
Reading in bed! A 50 cent buy.