This MF book by Dr. Seuss can be used as a great RA and S. The book is about The Lorax who “speaks for trees” and confronts the Once-ler who doesn‘t care about killing the trees. #UCFLAE3414F19
This MF book by Dr. Seuss can be used as a great RA and S. The book is about The Lorax who “speaks for trees” and confronts the Once-ler who doesn‘t care about killing the trees. #UCFLAE3414F19
Burger Boy by Alan Durant and illustrated by Mei Matsuoka, is a cute story about a boy who refuses to eat anything but burgers and his mom warns soon he will turn into one, and to his surprise he does! This MF PB would make for a great RA or even Storytelling. An activity that can be tied to this book can be found here: https://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson054.shtml
Thank You, Omu! by Oge Mora is a Ezra Jack Keats, Caledecott and Coretta Scott King book award winner. This RF picture book is an amazing story about a Omu and her bowl of stew. This book has an amazing message about sharing that I think would be wonderful for a RA! Discussion questions for this book can be found here: https://thestorybooklady.com/thank-you-omu/
I Wont Eat That by Christopher Silas Neal, is a MF PB about a cat who refuses to eat cat food and goes on a journey asking any animals he can find, what they eat. I would use this book as a RA. This book is a great introduction on what different animals eat and a activity can be found here: https://www.teachingbooks.net/clp.cgi?master_id=60994&lf_id=9
This SF 1994 Newbery Medal winner novel by Lois Lowry tells about a 12-year-old boy named Jonas who lives in a dystopian society that is colorless, ideal, free of crime and sadness. At that age, children are assigned jobs/roles, which they will train and do for the rest of their lives limiting the choice of an individual. The society is controlled by rules and tradition of the Elders.
In The Doghouse (F) by Leslie Kimmelman would be great for students who are in the early stages of reading and a lot of children who love dogs could relate to this book due to the happy ending. The UDL guideline I would use is 9.3 and the ESOL strategy I would use number 10. For more information on this book click here http://www.lesliekimmelman.net/my-books/catalog/16-in-the-doghouse-an-emma-and-b...
Caring For Your Lion by Tammi Saur and illustrated by Troy Cummings, is a MF PB about about a boy who gets a pet lion, and follows steps in order to care for him properly. I would use this book as a storytelling activity. Activities that relate to caring for pets can be found here: http://www.scholastic.com/caringforpets/
Late Nate in a Race (F) by Emily Arnold McCully is a great book for children who are in the beginning stages of learning how to read. I would have children read this book with a partner. The UDL guideline I would use is 8.1 and the ESOL strategy I would use is number 12. For more information on this book click here https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/books/late-nate-in-a-race-by-emily-arnold-mc...
Grandpa Loved (RF) by Josephine Nobisso is a book that a lot of children can relate to if they have a Grandpa that they love in their life or if they have lost one. I would RA this book. The UDL guideline I would use is 1.1 and the ESOL strategy I would use is number 4. For More information on this book https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/books/grandpa-loved-by-josephine-nobisso/
The Pigeon HAS to go to School (F) by Mo Willems is about a Pigeon who really doesn‘t want to go to school. I think children will relate to this book and find it enjoyable to read. I would have a child who likes to present give a DR to the class. The UDL guideline I would use is 2.4 (have it printed in other languages that were used in my classroom) and the ESOL strategy I would use is number 20.