The first OwlCrate I received was September 2015's "Mystery" Crate, featuring Stephanie Tromly's "Trouble is a Friend of Mine." With two delightfully-weird protagonists whose dynamic is hilarious and charming, and a plot that just keeps moving, I couldn't put it down and finished it in a day. I think I might have to read it again soon, honestly. ? #troubleisafriendofmine #stephanietromly #owlcrate
gibblr I loved it! Have the sequel but haven't read it yet. 8y
actualdisneyprincess @gibblr omg I need to get my hands on the sequel! I don't think I knew there was one!! 😍 8y
gibblr 8y
Trouble Makes a Comeback
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actualdisneyprincess @gibblr yesssss!! Stacking and hunting it down now!! 8y
actualdisneyprincess @gibblr Just checked the e-book out from the library!! Thanks for letting me know it existed!! 😂💖 8y
gibblr Awesome! No prob...hope you like it. I'll have to bump it up on my tbr! 8y