I read a lot of mystery / thrillers - and can usually spot the culprit before the great reveal. With #thewifeandthewidow however, I was completely thrown - flabbergasted 😲 which books have your favourite twists?
I read a lot of mystery / thrillers - and can usually spot the culprit before the great reveal. With #thewifeandthewidow however, I was completely thrown - flabbergasted 😲 which books have your favourite twists?
Happy Tuesday Friends! I started The Wife And The Widow @christian_white_author last night and I‘m really enjoying it! Jumps into the story from the start. Happy Publication Day to The Wife And The Widow @christian_white_author @minotaur_books #thewifeandthewidow #minotaurbooks #happypublicationday 👢 Instagram at castrojeannette