I had forgotten about this part of the third task. Harry's time in the maze is relatively easy and we now know why this is the case. The chapter ends on a cliff-hanger and most of us would be unable to stop reading. The next few chapters devastated the Potter community when The Goblet of Fire was first released. It remains one of the most poignant moments of the series. #getonwithit
#hpchapteraday #bookfour #chapterthirtyone #thethirdtsk #quests
Redjewel_7734 Stopping at just one chapter is the hardest part of #hpchapteraday ☺ especially at the juicy parts. 8y
Missusb Forgot to add the image acknowledgement: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Triwizard_Tournament also used too many words. 8y
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