Soooo from left to right
Two of them are gifts, I bought only the Golden Compass at a very very low price 😍
Sono happy!!
Soooo from left to right
Two of them are gifts, I bought only the Golden Compass at a very very low price 😍
Sono happy!!
Recent book haul part 2 with #thegoldencompass, #redwall and #thehobbit
Going to reread The Golden Compass and finally finish reading this trilogy. And I‘m also excited to watch the new show on HBO as well. Been hearing great things about it.
#hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #thegoldencompass #thesubtleknife #theamberspyglass #trilogy #book #books #reading
I finished this while the electricity was out, too. It‘s taken me a bit to collect my thoughts and come up with a review.
This book is a great story and a I can‘t wait to read the next one. The characters are either entirely likeable or entirely not likeable. It doesn‘t seem like there is a middle ground, but that serves a purpose within the story that makes a point of its own.
I‘m with Lyra. I‘m thinking Dust isn‘t the big deal they‘re making of it. Just like this book isn‘t the big deal this world‘s Christian church is making of it. In fact, I think their objections to the book speak volumes about their own beliefs and behaviours and speak very little about this book (mostly because they clearly haven‘t read it).
#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass #Dust #blindfaith
I think Lyra may be the only level headed character in this book at times. She‘s clearly more ethical and humane than any of the adults. I hope she takes them all down by the end of the series.
#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass #Lyra #ethics #humanity #crimesagainstchildren
The church in this story is separating children from their SOULS and Christians all over are saying this book is bad because people want to stop this practice. Blindly following the church is more important to both Protestants and Catholic‘s. That‘s just disgusting.
#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass #christianity #disgusting #freethoughtisnotallowed
I can‘t believe Texans don‘t like this book. This part alone should make it their favourite. I know more Texans than I with existed, who want Texas to be its own country again. 🙄#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass
I‘m so confused as to who I should trust in this world. I suppose that‘s the point, though; ams quite frankly it‘s part of what makes this book so good.
#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass #whototrust