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There‘s no question that I. S. Berry has mad writing skills. There‘s a great story embedded in this thriller. I just wish that there was also at least one likeable character. I get it, spy novels are all about treachery and betrayal. Berry describes her protagonist, Shane Collin‘s, as world-weary. He is that, and his colleagues and foes are very ready to betray him, and themselves. I kept reading to find some redemption; there is none.

CaitlinR Photo of the author by Richard Berry 3d
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(1968) When files go missing from the British embassy in Bonn, Alan Turner arrives to sort out what happened while the diplomatic personnel wish he would just keep it quiet. The thief is quickly identified, but his motives and location remain a mystery. This is *so* LeCarré: espionage novel as psychological thriller, pensive, deeply cynical, gorgeously written. Also: the resolution has chilling parallels to our current historical moment.

Impeachment: An American History | Jon Meacham, Timothy Naftali, Peter Baker, Jeffrey A Engel
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Did I mention that I love irony? It‘s ironic to me that recording and listening to private conversations created the downfall of Richard Nixon. Here was a president who listened in on his political rivals, denied it for years, then several recorded private conversations admitting what he did was used against him forcing him to resign. #politics #impeachment #jeffreyengel #richardnixon #spying #recording #history #uspolitics #ushistory

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I‘ve been missing in action! My excuse.. a wonderful overseas holiday and spending lots of time in my garden. My reading high lights have been John Boyne and John Le Carre. I have just started War and Peace as I promised myself I would read it this year. Hope your all getting some reading time😊
#holidayreading #literature #crime #classics

erzascarletbookgasm That‘s a great stack! And lovely photos! 🩷 4mo
JenReadsAlot Great travels! I was in Prague past month! 4mo
CarolynM What lovely photos, Sally! Looks like you had a great time💕 4mo
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Tamra What a fantastic looking trip! I hope you like Small Mercies - I loved Mary Pat, as flawed as she is in it. 4mo
LeahBergen It looks like you‘ve been having some great travels!! 4mo
Freespirit Hi @CarolynM @erzascarletbookgasm @JenReadsAlot @Tamra @LeahBergen hello friends…I‘ve had a wonderful trip to see temples in Greece, churches in Italy, ancient cities in Montenegro and Croatia, bridges in London and symphonies in Prague. I love best that I can read about these places now and remember my travels❤️ 4mo
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I had expected a book from one of the earliest women to rise to a leadership position in the CIA to be fascinating, but overall this is repetitive and surprisingly bland. There are moments here and there that are interesting, but the writing just isn‘t engaging. Also, by the end, she is making choices that reinforce the stereotypes she says she‘s railing against and that just bugged me.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
tpixie What a shame 4mo
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The Spy and I | Tiana Smith
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Love it

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Having live through and watching the fall of the Berlin Wall while also being scared 💩-less by my older brother of impending nuclear annihilation by the Soviet Union as a child, this book was a fascinating behind-the-(Iron)-Curtain look into just exactly how the West was able to curtail Russian paranoia and ultimately dismantle generations of mistrust. One man sacrificed everything in pursuit of freedom.

Awk_Word_Smith MacIntyre did well not to paint Gordievsky as a saint nor a martyr. He sacrificed his family, his wife and two daughters. His wife never forgave him, and he was a stranger to his two young girls nearly a decade after his escape from Moscow. He is a lonely man now, forever in the crosshairs of the vengeful ex-KGB officers who line the halls of power in the Kremlin today, including the dictator himself Putin. 5mo
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1. I redid my bookcases and put my TBR shelves near each other. Top shelf also includes favorites that I‘ve kept.
2. I‘m at Malice Domestic! That TBR list is CRYING after a “speed dating with authors” session.
3. Live performance of Grieg piano concerto. Very dramatic!
4. Two ballgames with drastically different outcomes but fun to hang out with my “summer family.”
5. Book club outing at a brewery in a bucolic setting.

DebinHawaii What a great week of joys! 💛💛💛 Your TBR shelves look great & ready for more📚😉 Thank you for sharing & spreading the joy! 5mo
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A little nonfiction to kick off the weekend.

A Shadow Intelligence | Oliver Harris
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I unknowingly read this series out of sequence. I‘m actually glad I did. I liked the second book but, having really enjoyed this one, I might have been disappointed. “The Shadow Intelligence” was a masterfully plotted espionage thriller. The twists were unexpected and pacing increased as the story moved the reader along toward the chaotic, crescendo ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5