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Flamecaster (Shattered Realms, #1) | Cinda Williams Chima
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Having not read the #SevenRealms series before this, I didn't exactly know what I was getting into and it took me a while to get into this book. However, this book was pretty great, and once I got past Lila and Ash's awkward escape (lots of questions about that part) at the University. I got more into the book. I'm don't think I'm hooked enough to continue the series. But I am intrigued by the Seven Realms Series now.

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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It was a little bit difficult to get into the third book of this series; I had to put it down and come back to it but once I got a bit further in, it was an excellent book!
I just wish that Raisa would stop playing around with other men/suitors, and be with Han.

The Exiled Queen | Cinda Williams Chima
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“He was used to the comforting frame of mountains”

“How could she explain it to him—the ties she felt to these mountains, to this small, imperfect queendom with its constantly squabbling tribes”

-Cinda Williams Chima

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The Crimson Crown | Cinda Williams Chima
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️The final book in this series was another quick read, and wrapped things up well. It‘s always satisfying getting answers, and there were a lot needed in this one, so I think it was tied up nicely. It did get bogged down in so many secrets & frustrations among the characters, but I don‘t think it was unrealistic, just a little annoying. Overall I‘d recommend this series, with the knowledge that it‘s a slow start, but the end is worth it.

The Gray Wolf Throne | Cinda Williams Chima
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I‘ve been waiting for this series to hit its stride, and it did in this book! I enjoyed having the main characters together, the tension that has built between them, all the secrets the authors has managed to hide/reveal/keep hidden, all the ways different characters cross paths, and all the intrigue that is brought by being back at court. I'm glad I stuck with this series through its slower start, & I can't wait to read the final book!

The Exiled Queen | Cinda Williams Chima
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This book was what I expected: much more faster paced than the lengthy prologue of book 1. What I was not expecting was the year at a magical school, very Harry Potter-esque. That was far from the setting & feel of book 1, though it did make sense for the plot.
This book was very long, and I think some parts were dragged out or unnecessary, but overall it‘s turning into a fun fantasy series, and I‘m looking forward to book 3!

The Exiled Queen | Cinda Williams Chima
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“Lieutenant Mac Gillin of the Queen's Guard of the Fells hunched his shoulders against the witch wind that howled out of the frozen wastelands to the north and west.”
@ShyBookOwl #firstlinefridays

Deblovestoread I‘m intrigued! 4y
behudd @Kdgordon88 I know! It‘s a great first line! It‘s the second book in a series. Book 1 wasn‘t amazing, but I‘m really liking this one! 4y
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