Does anyone else subscribe to the Penguin Random House 'Season of Stories'? They send you book excerpts for free by email.
Does anyone else subscribe to the Penguin Random House 'Season of Stories'? They send you book excerpts for free by email.
"You feel like you're a hairless dog in a mohair sweater trapped in a car" - lol! Dumpster Diving With the Stars. #seasonofstories @penguinrandomhouse
Now seems like a great time to introduce my theme for next year and let everyone know whats going on @penguinrandomhouse So next year my reading theme will be #keepingitshort. For each book I read I will read one short story. Well, Season of Stories is starting tomorrow and it's short stories straight to your inbox. Sign up here http://theseasonofstories.com/?ref=PRHDAB5089ECD6C #keepingitshort #readingshortstories #seasonofstories