I need another tee like a hole in the head, but these are awesome. Book riot posted on their Instagram. #readqueerbooks #queer #QGP1 #pride
I need another tee like a hole in the head, but these are awesome. Book riot posted on their Instagram. #readqueerbooks #queer #QGP1 #pride
Three friends take a road trip to visit fan conventions for their favorite show. 🤓 There were a lot of fun parts -the fanfic & shipping wars, the msg boards on the fanfic sites (VERY realistic) & the cute romance. The MC's struggle with coming out & challenging his family's religious beliefs was brave & well-written. However, I disliked that aspect of the story (prob bc I'm not religious & never had to deal with that). Overall a good book.
This book is adorable! I may have squeed out loud a few times. And laughed out loud too. Great characters and relationships (romantic, friendship and familial). Minimal angst - of the 'scared to come out with some internalized homophobia' variety. A lot of great literary references and modern lingo (a few 'hos' that I didn't love but these were more said in jest since the MC word vomits all over the place when nervous). Great, heartwarming story.
Ahhhh this was so cute and wonderful and positive and happy. I really enjoyed reading this one and want to live in this town! Sometimes you just need a queer novel with like zero angst and this fits the bill!
#queerlit #readqueerbooks #okayamigettingridicwithrhesehashtags?illstoplol