In case any of you saw the news, yes I was in downtown Phoenix tonight protesting, and yes I saw the pepper spray and heard the flash bombs. I was close enough to notice but far enough that it wasn't all that bothersome. Glad to see so many people rising up and speaking and assembling peacefully. #notrump #phxprotest
RaimeyGallant #resist :) 8y
tpixie Doesn't sound so peaceful if the cops had to use flash bombs because the protesters were throwing as, rocks and bottles at police. (edited) 8y
Bibliogeekery Glad you were on the streets! 8y
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tracyrowanreads Go you! 8y
AceOnRoam Good on you. He needs to go. 8y
Yellowpigeon Glad you were there and that you are safe! 8y
Alicia ✊🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽❤️ 8y
saguarosally @RaimeyGallant #firstamendment 8y
saguarosally @tpixie I didn't see any of that but I did hear about water bottles thrown at police. Police that are simply performing crowd control should not be assaulted in any way. 8y
RaimeyGallant @saguarosally Sometimes people start rumours to cast a shadow over the efforts and message of peaceful protesters. Also, in Canada, police have admitted to placing "agents provocateur", which is a plain-clothed police officer, in with the protesters to stir the pot. This is a well-used police tactic that gives them justification in taking steps to start shutting a protest down. 8y
saguarosally @Bibliogeekery 👍 8y
tpixie @saguarosally I agree. Glad you were safe! (edited) 8y
tpixie @RaimeyGallant wow. That's crazy. We haven't heard of that in USA. Just crazies on the left and right breaking the law. My 28 yo son was there and saw Antifa there, and people throwing the rocks, bottles and gas at the police and the event goers. He talked with many nice protesters, but stuck by the police as he left. The others should stay home! 8y
saguarosally @tracyrowanreads 😁 8y
saguarosally @AceOnRoam Soon, I hope. 8y
saguarosally @Yellowpigeon I knew to stay back this time. Not my first march, but I'm not highly experienced either. 8y
saguarosally @Alicia Were you there? Did I miss you? 8y
saguarosally @RaimeyGallant I haven't heard of that tactic but I can imagine. It seemed peaceful enough until the pepper bombs, but I was far enough from the major action that I could have missed details. 8y
saguarosally @tpixie Glad your son was safe. From what I heard it sounds like it was localized bad behavior on the part of some protesters, but I'm sure it could be dangerous for the police. 8y
tpixie ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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