Mini bookshelf tour part 2/3 ☺️ favorite book on this shelf is tagged ❤️
Shelf 1/21 📚🥰
#BookshelfTour #TadWilliams #AndyWeir #PatrickRothfuss #JoeAbercrombie #CixinLiu
#BookNerd 💙🤓📚
Mini bookshelf tour part 2/3 ☺️ favorite book on this shelf is tagged ❤️
Shelf 1/21 📚🥰
#BookshelfTour #TadWilliams #AndyWeir #PatrickRothfuss #JoeAbercrombie #CixinLiu
#BookNerd 💙🤓📚
I thanked him earnestly from the bottom of my rapidly thinning purse.
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss
Music is a proud, temperamental mistress. Give her the time and attention she deserves, and she is yours. Slight her and there will come a day when you call and she will not answer.
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss
I'm so happy I decided to read this book. No words can describe how much I love it.
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss
The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss
We are the Edema Ruh
We know the songs the sirens sang
See us dream every tale true
The verse we leave with you will take you home
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #songsinspiredbybooks #nightwish
How nice it is to escape to another world after a stressful day at work 😌
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss
She‘d strayed from the true way of things. First you set yourself to rights. And then your house. And then your corner of the sky. And after that . . . #KingKillerChronicles #PatrickRothfuss
I love #JimZub #PatrickRothfuss #RickAndMorty and #DungeonsAndDragons #D&D so this was great for me. It's nice that the book does go through an intro of what d&d is in the first few sections. I like that they address the topic of power-gamers, and I get why Rick is the example. I just like Rick's character, so I had to suppress a bit of my Rick&Morty fandom in reading this book in order to appreciate the story Rothfuss & Zub told about D&D.
Got this beauty from Amazon today! Can't wait to dive into the profundity of @patrickrothfuss' magical world! Freakin' excited! 😍
QoTD 1: What are your reading plans for this weekend? Mine is reading this gorgeous once I finish “A Conjuring of Light“.
QoTD 2: Have you read any Pat Rothfuss books? Did you like it?
Happy Reading Weekend everyone! Almost at the end of “A Conjuring of Light“! 😊
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss