😂🤣😆👈🏻That‘s me laughing at myself for trying to put myself on a book buying ban! #WhoAmITryingToKid #ShouldHaveKnownBetter #Oopsie #SorryNotSorry
😂🤣😆👈🏻That‘s me laughing at myself for trying to put myself on a book buying ban! #WhoAmITryingToKid #ShouldHaveKnownBetter #Oopsie #SorryNotSorry
Whatt????!!!!! This book was great. An epistolary novel written by an unnamed narrator who leaves America after an undescribed event and flees to Israel where upon an outing at a spice farm, he meets Uzi, the type of man who makes him tell his friends when they say they are ready to go that he is staying. He and Uzi, exhusband to 2 women and father of 5, start this torrid affair. I really like this book. It had erotic heat, a lot to say about 👇🏼