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DAY 20: Warren Jeffs is not #justacreep , he‘s a money-grubbing, brain-washing, child-abusing piece of shit. For years, he‘s controlled the Fundamentalist LDS church, largely located in the bordering towns of Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah, and the Yearning For Zion compound near Eldorado, Texas. He‘s currently in prison yet remains the FLDS leader.


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Centique Ooh one of these could make a good gift for my friend. She loves dark secrets and gripping page turners. Which one do you think would be best for that? 6y
britt_brooke @Centique Probably Prophet‘s Prey. It gives a good overall view. The writing is pretty dry, but still captivating. There‘s a documentary of the same name based on it. I read Breaking Free most recently and it‘s a good, though tough, read. The rest are pretty similar. 6y
Centique @britt_brooke thanks Britt! You‘re Santa‘s helper 🙌😍 6y
Cinfhen Ugh!!! This guy is the worst 6y
Billypar Would also work for the hashtags: #notevenJUSTacreep #creepisputtingitmildly 6y
emilyhaldi Preach! 🙌🏻 6y
REPollock Pardon my French but fuck this asshole. I lived in Cedar City UT while he was on the lam and wow, did the longtime residents have awful stuff to say about him. 6y
britt_brooke @REPollock Fuck this asshole is right. It hurts my heart knowing people still follow him. 6y
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