Well... the book is not a masterpiece by now, I hope it will get better soon but I'm not pretty confident about 😅
I just find ironic reading it while I'm working in the hotel 🤣
#sleepingmonster #motelflamingo #italianauthor #nicecover
Well... the book is not a masterpiece by now, I hope it will get better soon but I'm not pretty confident about 😅
I just find ironic reading it while I'm working in the hotel 🤣
#sleepingmonster #motelflamingo #italianauthor #nicecover
Gave it 50 pages. Which was more than 25% of the book and just couldn‘t care less.
Also stalker much?
#iwasjackmortmer #alexanderlernetholenia #dollartreefind #nicecover #stalking #dnf
What wonderful book! I liked the way Meursault was honest, even it made a stranger to his own people.
Thank god that Camus wrote this book! It changes you way of thinking even it's not that easy to think as Meursault. #camus #DutchVersion #NiceCover #Bookstagram